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instead of an introduction

Everything we start always starts with the words. 

During the research, we underline or scribble words that best explain the concept. During the brainstorming session with the team or clients, we write down on a huge wall many words and then discuss which one better represents what we want to achieve. We don't start a single project, small or complex if we don't have a list of words. 

We also spent quite some time to tinkering and tweaking words. Because it is crucial to be precise, to give focus to the idea. Words have this power to bring up a meaning. They give vision. For us, creativity is a process, not a moment. Managing that process is key to creativity and innovation. And we look at words as seeds that grow up and produce our realities.

Remember how God started created our Earth? By saying: "Let there be light". And God saw the light, and it was good and moved on. Words are the real creator. Without words, thought can never become a reality. 

Words are the most powerful force available to humanity.

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